
Our Quiver Full

Mother’s Day always makes me reminisce all of my motherhood memories.  This is my seventh year as a mother, and those seven years are jam-packed with oodles of memories with my little ones and their Daddy.  Why has God blessed us with such happiness in our little, temporary home on earth?  The only answer that I have found is - because He saw fit to do so.  That is why He saved me, that is why He saved Seth, and that is why He has blessed us with three little miracles we call Maya Jo, Maxwell, and Nina Grace.

Maya Jo was born at 25 weeks (10/20/02), weighing 1 lb. 11 oz. and spent 97 days in the NICU at the University of Kentucky Hospital.  I could use this entire post to write about the days spent in that sanitized, metallic, fluorescent wing of the hospital, but I will save that for another time.  She came home on oxygen and a heart monitor, and we had to wake her up every 3 hours to feed her so she could “catch up” to other newborn babies.  She eventually did.  J  Now, at 6 ½ years old, she is a bubbly, energetic, intelligent young lady who wants to please everyone she comes across.  She loves to sing, she loves school, and she loves alone time with Mommy.  It’s rare, but it happens.  J

Maxwell was born just 4 days early (10/4/04), weighing 8 lbs. 8 ½ oz.  He finally slept though the night at 10 months old, and walked about a week before his first birthday.  His first nights in the hospital told his story; the nurses came into my room and asked us if they could take him to the nursery because we were keeping other patients awake. We quickly agreed.  J  He is loud, rambunctious, and rough, but he has a soft side that is incomparable with any little boy I know.  He sometimes crawls in my lap, holds my face up to his, and says, “I wuv you, Mommy.”  He also gives the best bear hugs.

Nina Grace was born 2 weeks early (8/21/08), weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz.  She is so quiet, peaceful, and snuggly.  She slept 6 hours the first night in the hospital, and has been a 10-12 hour sleeper since she’s been home.  (Yes, we know that is unusual, and we are very thankful.) She loves affection, and she loves her Gi-Gi (doggy) so much that she squeals with laughter if he even walks near her.  She loves the wind in her face, loves to swing outside, and is so bright-eyed in the morning that I can’t help smiling when I carry her from her room.

So, that’s our quiver, and it’s pretty full.  J  My husband, Seth, is absolutely my soul mate.  The Lord answered my prayers before I prayed them, and brought us together.  Seth works very hard so that I am able to stay home and raise our children, and I don’t know that I can ever thank him enough for that.  What a blessing it is!  He washes the dishes, puts the kids to bed, and brings me flowers…I’m not sure any Mother’s Day could be much better than that. 

Seth and I are trying to raise our family with God as our center.  I hope our children learn from our example (and our mistakes), and do the same.  I thank God for these blessings, and I pray His will to be done in our lives.

Happy Mother’s Day to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by for encouragment! :) It's 5:00am and I'm up for those every 3 hour feedings/pumpings. I can't even image 97 days in Nicu! We were only there 13 and that was hard. I'd love the whole story some time. I'm working on trying to write ours down. It's so hard to find time! If I'm not trying to keep up laundry and dishes, I'm feeding, changing, or pumping and at rare times I sleep. :P OK, now that I feel like I talked to someone, I'm going back to bed for a few minutes. :D

    Love ya, Britt
